March 28, 2009

Creative Media in IMC (5.2) - b to B

For Newspaper advertising, recently I am fond of a free magazine, similar format and textual with newspaper but colorful and well-designed.HK magazine has her commercial website:
There has many different social study and design information, therefore I recommend all you take it freely in starbuck, Habourcity on.

In my view, I still enjoy the feeling of reading newspaper as a part of my breakfast or lunch. Moreover we can deny that newspaper is the indispensable information medium for general public. As the advertisers are willing to use newspaper, I wonder if all professional newspaper can be freely enjoyed in the future. That does both sides good .

Creative Media in IMC (5.1) - b to B

back to Basic
Basic of Ads media is.... Newspaper

In fact, I think newspaper is still the good medium for promote the brand/ product gradually in audience's daily life. Also I agree the investment in newspaper promotion is also a kind of society duties for the Ad agency. I have read the article, related to the point of view in showing concern of Ads use in newspaper, from Milk Hughes in
Mike Hughes is president and creative director at the Martin Agency, which is also the agency of record for the Newspaper Association of America.

I just copy a few I love most, read it form the link.

Do Some Good: Create Newspaper Ads
Viewpoint: Mike Hughes, The Martin Agency
by Mike Hughes Published:
March 25, 2009

-(US)the newspaper-website audience has grown 80% in the past five years.

-Lee Clow says, "Newspaper is a special medium. It's urgent, not yesterday or tomorrow but today. Sitting with a newspaper and a cup of coffee in the morning will always be one of the most intimate media experiences there is."

-With newspapers cutting costs every day, who will pay to man a substantial bureau in Baghdad?

"If we( advertisers ) don't give them a fair shot at our budgets, they( newpapers) might never be healthy enough to do the job we want them to do. " That's why the amount of bad taste and low quality entertainment magazines is increasing, compared with the decrease in professional newspapers.

March 27, 2009

Creative Media in IMC (4) - KFC PR

KFC advertising team has found the new Public media for advertsing.The New advertising campiagn form KFC: "Re-freshed by KFC''.Although the association of food and pothole repair is far away, if you can use the angle of KFC as a brand to think; the strange feeling can disappear. What KFC is doing is exactly what we have mentioned in the last lesson. Modern advertising is no long as the above/ below the line. Publish relation is the heavy part of concern, and also the duties for society become more and more important in the view of world-class Corporation. Therefore i am quiet impressive for the creative and courage idea for this implement of KFC.

Need a Pothole Filled in Your City? Call KFC
Chain Offers to Repair Streets in Exchange for Leaving Its Mark on Pavement
Emily Bryson York Published: March 25, 2009

"Fresh" campaign KFC decided to "Re-fresh" city streets as a tie-in to its new "fresh" campaign, which focuses on food quality. "It was always our plan to make our hometown of Louisville the first city for the program," KFC spokesman Rick Maynard said, adding that pothole-fixing season was an additional impetus. "The mayor was very excited about the program and even stopped by yesterday afternoon when the crew was refreshing the first bunch of potholes."

"This program is a perfect example of that rare and optimal occurrence when a company can creatively market itself and help local governments and everyday Americans across the country," said Javier Benito, exec VP-marketing and food innovation at KFC.

Creating goodwill
Perhaps most importantly, while KFC seems more suited to pot pies than potholes and efforts like these are unlikely to sell chicken sandwiches in the short term, the company is likely to build a reservoir of goodwill among the general population -- particularly when they arrive at the pothole they've gotten used to swerving around...

Creative Media in IMC (3) - adsYoutube

MARCH 23,2009 Advertising Age
(read it for understand the world trend of Youtube)

YouTube Tries Bigger Home-Page Ads
Experiments With New Format in Effort to Boost Revenue

Michael Learmonth Published: March 23, 2009

NEW YORK ( -- YouTube blew out one aspect of its money-making plan last week: way bigger home-page adsYouTube gave Lionsgate two rich-media units and exclusivity on its home page to advertise 'The Haunting in Connecticut....

But on March 20, YouTube pushed it a bit further, giving Lionsgate both the masthead and the standard box unit on the right for a new unit it's calling a "cross talk" ad. It promotes the studio's upcoming horror film, "The Haunting in Connecticut," which opens March 27.

Huge amount of real estate
The difference there was that YouTube gave one advertiser a huge amount of real estate in two rich-media units, plus exclusivity on the page. YouTube executives declined to say what it charged for the privilege, but one person with knowledge of the deal said the Lionsgate ad was part of a $500,000 integrated buy that included search and display across Google's network.

The rate card for a YouTube front-page roadblock is $175,000 per day, plus an incremental $50,000 in additional spending on Google or YouTube, but like all media, it can be had for a lot less. Still, it's a big step up from the standard box placement on the right, which has sometimes sold for as little as $60,000 a day.

see more from:

a kind of TVC execution

A litany of Hondas puts on a show

The idea is not fresh and the most amazing one, however the final visual effect is wonderful and fine ; the lighting media is new. These kinds of light show in TVC have been read before, but usingf the light of car is the first one I saw. Selling car can use many many different way; smile theme x light show x car is special. This crosscover told the image of popular style ,relax & large scale co. to audiences.

Client: Honda
Agency: Wieden + Kennedy, Amsterdam
Executive Creative Director: Jeff Kling, John Norman
Creative Director: Sue Anderson
Copywriter: Zach Watkins
Art Director/Animator: Nacho Guijarro
Art Director: Craig Melchiano
Head of Broadcast: Corey Bartha

March 25, 2009

Creative Media in IMC (2) - New APP


The Publisher of this New APP is Adobe AIR. (APP stand for application program)Skimmer is a downloadable application that streams Twitter, Flickr, Facebook, YouTube, and Blogger onto one desktop dashboard. The app has launched in conjunction with Fallon's new corporate Web site—employees’ social media activity will be published via Skimmer within Download Skimmer for free from the site and then choose which services and friends you’d like to track. Friends’ updates appear in feed view. Skimmer also houses Flickr and YouTube viewing browser, where you can also upload new images and video and edit meta data.

For some apps, they are free at first and co-operated with the trendy Online activities.Skimmer is one of the example, to ease your internet access and suit to your habit in the digital world.
To know more about new technology help me to develop more wide use of media.

Brasileiros: New Worlds

Full Credits Agency: DDB Brasil
Client: Brasileiros Magazine
Executive Creative Director/Copywriter:
Sergio Valente
Executive Creative Director:
Julio Andery, Rodolfo Sampaio
Creative Director/Copywriter:
Marcelo Reis
Creative Director/Art Director:
Guilherme Jahara

This is the simple animation with world map and text.Maybe it is not interesting but i think it is good in design. I like the copy: " Do you really believe there is just one world? " . This question really arouses my interest to watch more. The display of different worlds target to some people who are concern about the environment protection and sustainable development. I guess this kind of people are also the target audiences of Brasilerros Magazine. In the view, the idea of this TVC is more like the NPOs advertisiment than magazine companies.

March 24, 2009

Creative Media in IMC- tutorial lesson 2403

We have discussed the issue of rapid-developing media in advertising. The power of Web 2.0 caused the Internet access as an important and innovative channel of advertising release. "Coca X Mentos" advertsing campaign shows the translation of the production role from the ad. agency to the consumer. That's really an remarkable fact in nowadays advertsing world .

The following is one of the example for creative media:

Creative media: Online Radio Station

Client: UNICEF Agency: TBWAChiatDay, Los Angeles

Guest DJs program an online radio station for one week.
To raise awareness for the now-global clean drinking water campaign--Droga5 originally created the
Tap Project in 2006 for UNICEF--celebrities, musicians and artists, like Elijah Wood and They Might Be Giants, produced hour-long sets for this radio station that will stream online for one week. The site launched yesterday for World Water Day. Tap Project Radio hopes to raise $10,000 to provide 10,000 children clean drinking water for 40 days.

March 23, 2009

McDonald's Happy Meal in MSN?

Today i see the animation ad of McDonald's Happy Meal in MSN ad corner.
I am so strange for this action from Mcdonald's.Do you know the curious point?
Therefore i check in the animation banner to read the website of it.

In first,I think the toy of happy meal is too child for young people and audlt.But afterI watched the website , I can understand why McDonald's choose MSN as the channel of ad release. The hitting of " Figure" is still hot in the teenager's mind, and the black spiderman is popular.

The only thing I want to challenge is that the animation ad of it is still child and non-stylish to draw young people's attention. WHERE IS the style of "I'M LOVIN IT" ?

March 22, 2009

7 days Tissue - New Package

In the new package, the selling point-" paper from france" is stressed. The price is Only $17 for 31 big packages, which is cheaper then Wellcome's . Also the logo on the pack also changed with different graphic design.

See her now:

(Other competitors have the product line in toilet tissue, but 7Days don't)

7 days Tissue - Lifestyle analysis of Target consumers

Five aspects of consumer's lifestyle with using tissue.
Activities Habits, Purchase Behavior, Personal Concern,Personal Believe & Interests
Press and See the bigger version, Groupmates*