May 2, 2009

Ben & Jerry's: Do the World a Flavour

Promotion is the game

Ben & jerry, one of the world round Icecream shop, organized a web game to create the real customized icecream platform.As I sad before, in this modern century, consumers are no long be passive in advertising. Conversely, they be fond of taking place of the creation role to design something originally and personally.

This promotion is called Make your own ice cream flavor,and
with the slogan:Do the World a Flavour.
It makes the customers more enjoy in their own style and trying to affect the world.

HKIPP- RayMan studio

Thank you for raymond's help for my final project.
He is so kind and professional in working with me, even so green I am.
The above is his website, see a little for reference.

On the other hand, I would like to recommend all you to see the website of HKIPP.
Now there has free download verison for the 2009 photography catalog -"eImage 09".

Check the link to read more ideal and gifted advertising photos.

April 19, 2009

A Great photo = a good print ad

Genki Sushi HongKong
Exclusive Offer to Enjoy New Seasonal Food
Can you feel it?
The Sushi in the middle of this promotion print is cold and fresh. So appreciate the power of the photographer* The pink and little transparent dish or table make the whole style become soft, gentle, japanese, and pretty. The top corner on the left-hand-side is a black rectangle; maybe it is no meaning in advertising ,but effective in styling this print. I want to eat it!

April 18, 2009

Print ad- Hewlett Packard

The image is simple and simply good to tell the meaning of "Classic".
The tagline" 8 GB of classic comedies" make the whole print ad spirit complete.

Advertising Agency: Publicis, Gurgaon
Creative Director: Emmanuel Upputru
Art Director / Illustrator: Sunny Johnny
Copywriter: Anindya Banerjee
Digital Retoucher: Nishan Singh

April 16, 2009

Recommend: D&AD blog

D&AD is an educational charity that represents the global creative, design and advertising communities.In the above blog, you can see the up-to-date design article from world-wide designers and advertising planners. Also you can go to the following websites for design references. D&AD Sites: Talentpool Student Awards Winners 2008
YouTube channel Flickr stream D&AD Annual 2008 Twitter

Magazine ads: Xian-Janssen

Analysis of the advertisment
Execution style:
Solution: Using a stapler in the middle facing pages of magazine to simulate the irritation , which is in order to show the pain sometimes caused by the little irritation.

Advertising Agency: DMG Beijing, ChinaCreative Directors: WeiBing Xu, Donghao, Kelvin LaiArt Directors: HeJia Shen, Kelvin LaiCopywriter: DonghaoPhotographer: Tiger Han

April 14, 2009

Print ads for Trim- health drink

The contrast in the print ads is used so proper. The action is natural ,and the visual is affective and clearly tell the selling point through the interesting way. But in the view of the client, these print ads are not so success to increase brand recall for healthy drink, since the visual impression overweights the drink of TRIM.

Advertising agency: Leo Burnett Jeddah, KSA
Art director: ZorZi Hoyek
Photographers: Roger Moukarzel, Steve Kozman
Illustrators / Retouchers: Mark Calina, Julien Lions
Account Group Director: Georges Maktabi
Published: March 2008

April 13, 2009

Comparison- WWF earth hour

Advertising Agency: Ogilvy Group Ukraine
Creative Director: Will Rust
Art Directors: Taras Dzendrovskii, Dmitri Shishkin
Photographer: Goran Tacevski

I think the first one you all have read before, which is the HongKong verison for 328 earth hour. And the second one is from another country. To compare with these two print ads, we can see the difference and characteristic of Hong Kong Culture.
-Bigger logo from authority
-Clear slogan with text description

-Numbers of Sponsorships

-More rational convincing

Which one do you like?

April 12, 2009

Thematic Advertisment- Korea

I think this advertisment more likes a video show than a TVC. Through this example, we can see Thematic ads emphasize the atmosphere, tone and total image delivery. In fact, we cannot actually read what is the core selling message in the ad. The Korea video is elegant and huge-scale production. nice~

April 11, 2009

Vigorelli BBDO: Website
An Italian agency harks back to computer days of yore.

D'Adda, Lorenzini, Vigorelli BBDO have launched new agency website that operates like MS-DOS and requires type commands to move around the site. The loader video is static and the sound of a dial-up modem.

the above web link to experience the interesting effect from this webdesign. The idea can be simplified as back to the tradition version; when something is development so fast,people will be happy to see it back to the oldest state because the original always still has many points worth for concern.

Organize advertisement campaigns

Sources from:
1. Semantic analysis (keywords selection)
carry out the semantic analysis of current advertisement campaign text and pick up list of keywords that are necessary to carry out advertisement campaigns. (Keyword , I guess is selling point )

2. Context (or search) advertisement
Search engines are the most attendant Internet-resources. The majority of Internet users (approximately 80%) exactly there looking for required information. Baltic Design Colors will place the context or search advertisement on the pages of search engines to reply the request of the user (e.g. advertising campaigns "Google-AdWords").
Thus the majority of people who are affected by advertisement are concerned auditory. Besides, we can carry out the advertisement only in regions which interest the advertiser.

3. Branding
Banner advertising belongs to branding, which directed to increase the popularity of brand, promote new products and services.Baltic Design Colors company creates and places your branding on thematic advertisement areas, news resources, in catalogues and search engines.

4. Developing and carrying out the complex advertisement campaign
According to tasks of advertisement campaign it could include banner and context advertisement, mailing and non-standard forms of communication. provides the best return, since the greatest part of the Internet segment is covered.

April 10, 2009

Toshiba HD -Ambient Ad

Toshiba again- BUS STOP (My favorite ambient ad)
Advertising Agency: Shalmor Avnon Amichay/Y&R Tel Aviv, Israel
This is the corporate advertisment showing the brand attitude and building the image to connect to the target audiences.In this ambient ad , you can not see any concrete selling point for Toshiba's product, but you can get the impression that Toshiba want to deliver. Also the idea is decent and good in final outcome.

Toshiba 16GB SD print ads

I like this one the most. The elegant shape of the ship looks like a container of lady facial cream. Water blue is soft, also ship shows the meaning of dream and leave. The graphic magnifies the function of the storage of SD card , and link to the brand slogan- Leading Innovation.

Sometimes a set of print ads is beautiful in same meaning, but not pretty for all pieces of graphics . Therefore how to organize a unit of print ad is not the easy thing.

Display in the E-commerial

This E-com website used effective and clear display for her luxury wallet and bag.
You can movie the mouse to see the zoom in verison of each part of the product in the right bigger frame. I post it is because i appreciate the technic to show the product as real as possible in the broswer. We can consider this function to apply in Advertising since E-com is so common now .

Maxim's Angle cake Slogan

The last month, I have heard a new Chinese slogan for Maxim's cake.
Maxims Cake shop- angle cake
"夠鬆軟, 我心軟"

I think those six chinese words are used so proper. It looks like simple, but it is nice in expression and sound.The words-"心軟" make the slogan become alive. That links eating to the touching feeling of human being, which is similar as like.

April 8, 2009

wonderful ending of 7days project 0704

7 days - Share my belief

My favorite art work in this project,
especially thanks for onda's Logo design.

I have learned so many principles and theories of advertising promotion through this project. And the most joyful thing is the experience in working condition- cooperation with different teams people(visualizing, digital media, creative team, client) in producing an ad campaign and try to take the roles of Art Director and Marketing planner. (thanks for teammates's trust)

Best wishes

Packaging design for Juice

From the creative & cutie outlook of this product with "賞味期限" , where do you think it is made from?

haha* love japanese packaging design
This Japanese packaging is functional and well-designed. Without knowing the product, you can simply observe that it is a banana juice beverage. I anticipate, and hope, that this company will extend this theme to other fruits like oranges, apples, and strawberries where the packaging would have to be differentiated on color and texture.

Creative Media- fresh out of the oven

BakerTweet from POKE on Vimeo. (

Poke built a twitter system that allows bakers to twitter what's coming fresh out of their ovens--and communicate with their customers in real time.

How does it work?
In simple terms it's a bakery-proof box that sends messages wirelessly to Twitter. The clever bit is that the baker can update their messages and things they're selling using a simple web interface. Obviously not something that you'd do mid-bake but it's an important feature for future-proofing the device.

April 7, 2009

AdvertisingAge- Digital Next

Rethinking the Way We Buy and Sell Display Ads- Bryan Wiener 04-06-09

Display advertising: Can it be both a branding and a performance marketing tool? I'd argue yes, but not at the same time. And that's where some of the recent debates over the art-and-science approach to display have gotten it wrong.
You see, we need to rethink the way we buy and sell display advertising in a way that clearly distinguishes between various marketers' objectives -- whether that is direct response (e.g., e-commerce sales or generating web leads) or enhancing the brand (influencing purchase intent, favorability ratings, etc). We'll be best served by treating it not as a hybrid but as two different tactics... ...


Creative Media in IMC (7) - Skype
For the advance of instant internet communication, MSN is not longer be the most powerful free APP for public. Skype helps us to easily have the conversations ( talking face to face) that make a difference to you, every day.She has bigger video, best-ever sound and juggle conversations.

Main features:
-Free Skype-to-Skype calls.
-Call phones and mobiles, send SMS.
-Free instant messaging.
-Free video call.
-Forward calls to a phone when you're offline.
This kind of video conferencing APP will become more and more popular as the speed up rate of internet access.Therefore we can predict that "skype" (and other similar APP) will act as the trendy adverts media in the future.

April 5, 2009

Print ads- Philips lightpen

Check to view the bigger version...
Tagline: "Design the light you need"

The drawing of light is beautiful in both concept and visual. "Design the light" sounds eagerly and lovely. For these three ads, the last one is the most beautiful, and others show the functional concept more clear.The only thing I want to ask is that why used the word:"you need"; I guess "you want" or "you like" maybe make the thing more in dream and perfect.

Advertising Agency: DDB MilanExecutive Creative Director: Vicky GittoArt Director: Hugo GallardoCopywriter: Elena CarellaPhotographer: Giovanni pirajno

April 4, 2009

Greenpeace: a Reaction

" Your action has a reaction. "

Advertising Agency: TBWA\Vietnam
Creative Director: Birger Linke
Art Director: Marge Albito
Copywriter: Fanindra Jain
Photographer: Teo Studio
Retoucher: Miracle Factory
Published: December 2008
I like the first piece of this set of print ads. The tagline showed each of our engining activities also caused a related injure in the world; the sentence is simple ,but clearly communiate the message.
Also the gaphic in the ad gives the feeling of destroy , sad and non-hopeful.However the transfomation of displaying the words( Let the... ) are so good for read and appreciate in visual.

For these two , I still like the mood and fine art direction in the advertisments, but the meaning of graphics is not understood to see the theme: Bulbs and Junk mail.

April 2, 2009

Promotional Mix - PR Publicity

Publicity is the deliberate attempt to manage the public's perception of a subject. The subjects of publicity include people (for example, politicians and performing artists), goods and services, organizations of all kinds, and works of art or entertainment.
From a marketing perspective, publicity is one component of promotion. The other elements of the promotional mix are advertising, sales promotion, and personal selling. Promotion is one component of marketing.

advantages :low cost, and credibility (particularly if the publicity is aired ). New technologies such as weblogs, web cameras, web affiliates, and convergence (phone-camera posting of pictures and videos to websites) are changing the cost-structure.
disadvantages : lack of control over how your releases will be used, and frustration over the low percentage of releases that are taken up by the media.

Publicity draws on several key themes including birth, love, and death. These are of particular interest because they are themes in human lives which feature heavily throughout life. In television serials several couples have emerged during crucial ratings and important publicity times, as a way to make constant headlines. Also known as a publicity stunt, the pairings may or may not be truthful.
See more form Wikipedia

April 1, 2009

My first Ad awards book

Pageone New handhold Bag (IN/ NOT IN the book)
Free attached labels

I am THE MASTER OF this book

My first Advertising awards Book: " The one Show Advertising Vol.29 "

That's so great to own my first Ad awards book; I know this is just the begining. Many people have challenged me that I am not talent in design, even today rare opportunity I can't catch. But, for me, becoming a ECD is my life goal. I understood I am not the smart one and lucky one, therefore if I want to be better than others, I am willing to pay double/ triple to achieve what I wish. In this half and one year studying in design, I have earn the most respect and mind within these 20 years. No matter what is the tmr , I am still boni, a strong determination and persist in myself.

March 31, 2009

Samsung CCTV-Wide angle

Advertising Agency: Cheil Worldwide, Seoul, Korea
Creative Director: Joungrack Lee
Art Director: Jaewon Choi
Photographer: Junghoe Kim
Published: December 2008

These advertisments are able to draw attention but I think these are little creepy. The fine production by photoshop is appeciated however the monitor is too small and I need to zoom in to read. The exaggerative expression style helps the ads to show the core message clearer.

March 30, 2009

Ad strategy: Consumer is designer!

2009 Pringles " Design your own can"
This ad strategy has been used many years ago, but it is still work for our customers who like to have personal design, create their own product and enjoy the process of expression themselves. However, the channel of this strategy has changed due to the advanced uploading technic through the Internet. In the past time, coca cola used competition format to please the consumers to draw their design on paper and send the application letter to coco cola department.
Letter is the first generation for this ad strategy; the next is email, and nowadays we are enjoying this promotion method in the website and get the immediate response.

An idea- You Can't stare me!

Even the production is simple, but the visual effect is great!I really feel that I can't stare the lady's eyes. That's interesting and magical. I think this execution can be transformed in an idea of adverts.It will be attractive and clearly show the statment:" You can't stare me!"

Handhold Bag design

After I purchased in a shop, I am quite expected about her paper bag design (soft and plastic one is not my cup of tea). Packaging is one of the media for a brand steadies her brand image and style. In my view, it is basic and effective design for a successful brand.
In addition, media marketing also is my favorite area in advertising. Therefore I have collected many good examples for references. The above photos of bag design are from; the first one I like most.

March 29, 2009

Design Process- Double diamond

The double diamond diagram was developed through in-house research at the Design Council in 2005 as a simple graphical way of describing the design process.

Divided into four distinct phases, Discover, Define, Develop and Deliver, it maps the divergent and convergent stages of the design process, showing the different modes of thinking that designers use.

The first quarter of the double diamond model marks the start of the project. This begins with an initial idea or inspiration, often sourced from a discovery phase in which user needs are identified.

Define:The second quarter of the double diamond model represents the definition stage, in which interpretation and alignment of these needs to business objectives is achieved.

Develop:The third quarter marks a period of development where design-led solutions are developed, iterated and tested within the company.

Deliver:The final quarter of the double diamond model represents the delivery stage, where the resulting product or service is finalised and launched in the relevant market.

This is very useful diagram for us to understand the status of designing; go to get the details.

Creative Media in IMC (6) - 3D exhi

Advertising can be like that?
Beoloung is part of the features of Bang-olufsen Co.
HK Polyu has done the project with her:

In, you can enjoy the free exhibition of the Bang's Products with explanation from the guides. The 3D technology is wonderful to show the products in the high end and profession image, however the loading time make people be bored.

I think in the future internet world, the upload and download speed must become faster, and this type of 3D Promotions will be as welcome and popular as the flash- based website nowadays.

Designer-Point of view: Ice CD Driver

The feeling of ice- Mr Leung Kwok-shing
(Freedom has served in product design and design teacher for eight years)

Melting of the ice and start the CD-ROM drive are irrelevant to the two areas together, it redefined the music of today's CD-ROM: As one generation of the popularvinyl (黑膠唱片)functional features have been in transition for the collection, the face of the current trend of MP3, CD-ROM will suffer the same fate? Leung Kwok-acrylic acid into a solid hand-made ice each photosensitive players, CD-ROM drive instead of selling music player function, but through a transparent material to be used as rotating to the consumer to see the CD-ROM and CD-ROM design itself, and strengthen the Value, collection of specific ownership and feel the music. Agree with the aesthetic view of this CD-ROM drive, is the identity of its own way of life and attitudes. At a consumer products through design, becomes meaningful.

That's what vincie talked with us about the " point of view" of each designer.To apply their values, believe and thought in their design for convinceing , affecting and attracting others in the world.

March 28, 2009

Creative Media in IMC (5.2) - b to B

For Newspaper advertising, recently I am fond of a free magazine, similar format and textual with newspaper but colorful and well-designed.HK magazine has her commercial website:
There has many different social study and design information, therefore I recommend all you take it freely in starbuck, Habourcity on.

In my view, I still enjoy the feeling of reading newspaper as a part of my breakfast or lunch. Moreover we can deny that newspaper is the indispensable information medium for general public. As the advertisers are willing to use newspaper, I wonder if all professional newspaper can be freely enjoyed in the future. That does both sides good .